Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


LGBTQ+ Rights

Who: Members and Allies of the LGBTQ+ Community

What: Embracing each person in the LGBTQ+ Community

Unitarian Universalists affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person without conditions — that means embracing each person in the LGBTQ+ Community, all spectrums of sexual orientation and gender identity. That means we live out our commitment to sexual and gender diversity by including people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, pansexual and asexual at every level of congregational life — in worship, in programs, and in social occasions. We host a table at Boulder Pride each year, preach and act regularly in support of queer rights, and would love to connect you with others in the congregation.

Gender at UUCB

In keeping with science, research, and above all the lived experience of countless millions of people, we reject the notion of a gender binary where all “males” are supposed to behave one way an “females” are supposed to behave another. Our nametags include pronouns that each person gets to choose (and change!) themselves to honor the reality of gender diversity. Does all that sound new or different to you? That’s ok! Rev. David breaks down sex, sexuality, and gender in the sermon below:

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