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Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


Welcome to a Community of Curiosity.

The UU Church of Boulder is a Unitarian Universalist congregation with an in-person campus in Boulder, Colorado, and an online campus available worldwide. In our church of Atheists, Buddhists, Humanists, Christians, Pagans, Jews, Muslims, and Agnostics, love unites us all. We don’t follow a dogma or creed. We have a covenant, a collection of promises we make to each other about how we will live aligned with shared values.

People from all walks of life journey together to find more connection, meaning, joy, and fulfillment.

Founded in 1948, we’ve spent the better part of a century as a home for progressive religion in Boulder: a house for hope, a place to practice being who you are and becoming the person you’re growing into.

What is Unitarian Universalism?

Unitarian Universalism is a centuries-old tradition. Originally born in progressive Christianity, we’ve grown beyond that starting point, welcoming people of diverse spiritual beliefs — all guided by compassion, reason, and work to make the world a better place.

What is does it mean to be a UU?

We believe your spiritual path isn’t a thing you think, it’s a thing you do: we live into it, trying to embody our shared values in our everyday lives and in our work for justice. We seek out experiences of the Holy, even if those may look different from one person to the next.

Ministers & Staff

Ministers & Staff

The ministers and staff at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder are here for you!
Meet the Team

Mission & Vision

Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is simple: to Connect Bravely, Deepen Spiritually, Embody Justice, and Always Love.
Living the Mission

Our Story

Our Story Since 1948

We have a long history in the Boulder area, tracing our roots to the 1880s and our official founding in 1948.
History of UUCB


Governance at UUCB

Like all Unitarian Universalist congregations, we are democratically run by our members through their elected leaders.
Meet our Board

Join Us Sunday

Join us in person at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM every Sunday.

All are welcome!