We are all finding ways to connect with each other in authentic relationship, to deepen spiritually, and to help to heal the world – all in the container of this intergenerational community we co-create together.
Becoming a member is one expression of commitment
It means you can vote in our congregational meeting and hold a few elected leadership positions like being on the Board or Nominating committee. For some people, membership is an easy step; for some, it comes at the end of a long discernment. Some people never become members despite being active and engaged.
What matters most isn’t whether you’re a member. What matters most is a sense of belongingness, of being held and rooted and whole while also growing, changing, and deepening. What we hope is for you to be known deeply in your small community within the church and connected with the whole.
Get started
The first Sunday of each month at 12:30pm, minister and staff host “Exploring UUCB,” an informal conversation to get to know you and to share how to navigate the church.
Every other month, minister and staff host “Finding Yourself at UUCB,” a time to go deeper into Unitarian Universalism, the church, and what membership means if that’s right for you.