Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


Opportunities Fair

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

This is an event where all ministries, committees and affinity groups explain what their group does within the UUCB community and how you can participate.

Event Series Exploring UUCB

Exploring UUCB

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Scott, our Community and Connection Manager, Rev. David and members of the congregation lead a monthly 45-minute introduction to Unitarian Universalism and UUCB.

Event Series Senior Salon

Senior Salon


Senior Salon is an open discussion group for seniors. There is no lower-age attendance criteria; members simply self-select.

Women’s Spirituality Circle: Falling Leaves

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

We welcome all who identify as women. We will explore the spiritual meaning of falling leaves. Please bring a handful or a bag of your choice of leaves. 

Community Night

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Join us for Community Nights on the first Friday of each month from 6:00-8:00pm. Bring food to share, and stop by UUCB for a potluck dinner and activities for all ages!

Finding Your Way at UUCB

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Ready to find your next steps for connection and growth and UUCB? Join us for lunch and Finding Your Way at UUCB.

Event Series Senior Salon

Senior Salon


Senior Salon is an open discussion group for seniors. There is no lower-age attendance criteria; members simply self-select.

Friday Afternoon Books

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

FAB’s October book is “Retrospections: Where I Have Come From and What Has Mattered.”

Family’s Night Out

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Enjoy a catered dinner and travel through time learning the origins of our Halloween traditions! Costumes & RSVP encouraged, cost $20/family.

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