Wise Elders Lunch
Unitarian Universalist Church of BoulderAfter lunch, we will learn about UCCB’s trips to reservations near us and about Boulder’s Indigenous People’s Day observations.
After lunch, we will learn about UCCB’s trips to reservations near us and about Boulder’s Indigenous People’s Day observations.
Senior Salon is an open discussion group for seniors. There is no lower-age attendance criteria; members simply self-select.
Carol Saunders and Reed Bailey have invited us to a pot luck dinner at their home overlooking Boulder, the foothills, and mountains.
When you’re searching for a church community, what are the things to pay attention to that suggest health, vitality, and welcome?
Register your children for Nursery, RE, and Youth Group at the meeting. This meeting is highly encouraged!
When you’re searching for a church community, what are the things to pay attention to that suggest health, vitality, and welcome?
Ready to find your next steps for connection and growth and UUCB? Join us for lunch and Finding Your Way at UUCB.
Join us at the home of Param Singh for chats and refreshments!
Join your UUCB friends for a showing of this important film about the epidemic of missing indigenous women at Chautauqua.
A look at the power of Spirit in Unitarian Universalism. What is it? How does it work? What does it mean in our "rational" faith?
A look at the power of Spirit in Unitarian Universalism. What is it? How does it work? What does it mean in our "rational" faith?
Come chat with members of your Board of Trustees! Get updates about church matters, ask questions, and let us know what's on your mind.