Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


Women’s Friday Afternoon Books

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

The book for May is “Humankind: A Hopeful History,” by Rutger Bregman.

Owning Your Religious Past Retreat

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Owning Your Religious Past offers a space for considering our religious past--both gifts and challenges received and how they impact our spirituality now. Led by Rev. David, Rachel Alba, and Dr. Emily Koriath. Open to all members of our community.

Mimosa Lunch

Member's Home

For $20 (or more) to UUCB, you can enjoy lunch with UUCBers at the home of Dianne Ewing in Longmont.

9:00am Service – Music Sunday: Singing Who We Are

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Across the denomination our guiding principles have been studied, reviewed and updated to better reflect our evolving faith. Join us as we celebrate our deepest shared beliefs with the combined choirs and musicians of UUCB and our neighbor congregation, the Boulder Valley UU Fellowship. Led by Dr. Emily and Tad Koriath with the choir and Chancel Cats.

11:00am Service – Music Sunday: Singing Who We Are

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Across the denomination our guiding principles have been studied, reviewed and updated to better reflect our evolving faith. Join us as we celebrate our deepest shared beliefs with the combined choirs and musicians of UUCB and our neighbor congregation, the Boulder Valley UU Fellowship. Led by Dr. Emily and Tad Koriath with the choir and Chancel Cats.

Event Series Annual Meeting & Budget Forum

Annual Meeting & Budget Forum

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Our 2024 Annual Congregational Meeting is 11:00am June 2nd (a formal notice of meeting with the nominees and business is coming soon!). From noon-1:00 on May 12th, 19th, and 26th, stop by an informational forum with Treasurer Matt Ball and members of the Board to get an overview of the budget and business items, and […]

Young Adult Group Park Meetup


The young adult group is planning to spend a few hours hanging out at Meadow Glen Park on Sunday, May 19th after the 11am service. We will gather near the entrance of UUCB after the service to head over together, or you can meet us at the park.

Meet and Greet Happy Hour

Member's Home

We will meet at the home of Henry Kroll and Ellen Snyder for a strictly social affair. Please bring a snack for 6-8 and your choice of beverage, if desired.

Racial Justice Ministry Team Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

We've changed our regular monthly meeting! We will now meet on the 3rd Monday of the month. We hope more of you will find this a convenient time! We'd love to have your input!

Climate Action Ministry Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Monthly Climate Action Ministry meeting open to all! We meet on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Join us as we plan upcoming climate action at UUCB.

9:00am Service – The End of Just War

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

For 1,500 years, theologians and philosophers have debated when and how and why war can be justified. But however clean those theories might be, the difference between theory and practice is always greater in practice than in theory.

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