Finding Your Way at UUCB – New Member Class
Unitarian Universalist Church of BoulderReady to find your next steps for connection and growth and UUCB? Join us for dinner and Finding Your Way at UUCB.
Ready to find your next steps for connection and growth and UUCB? Join us for dinner and Finding Your Way at UUCB.
Gather for this two-part, all-congregational event to create a vision for the future of our building, facilitated by Rodwin Architecture.
We invite folks in their 30s and 40s to join us for a potluck, conversation and connection.
Alan Davis and Sally DuGar will host our February Circle Supper at 6 at their home not far from UUCB.
The UUCB Staff will offer a Pancake Breakfast as a thank you to the whole congregation. Stop by to eat, drink, and visit!
Brene Brown says that fitting in happens when you change yourself to be in the community, but belonging happens when you can be your most authentic self in community. How can we as individuals and a community practice belonging here and to/with each other?
New members are invited to join Rev. David, Board Members, and staff for lunch in the Emerson Room.
Senior Salon is an open discussion group for seniors. There is no lower-age attendance criteria; members simply self-select.
6-7 pm is drinks (bring something you like) and conversation, 7-8 pm is a traditional potluck dinner, 8-9 pm we have 'pass the talking stick.'
Our book is "The Murmur of Bees" by Sofia Segovia.
Rev. Kelly Dignan will look back on the last decade of UU Church of Boulder’s history and reflect on the continuity and flourishing that comes when connections are made slowly.
Rev. Kelly Dignan will look back on the last decade of UU Church of Boulder’s history and reflect on the continuity and flourishing that comes when connections are made slowly.