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Climate Action Ministry Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

The UUCB Climate Action Ministry (CAM) is focused on enacting justice by educating our members and the community on the impacts of climate change and its solutions, and by providing opportunities for our members and friends to act to solve it. Each year, we plan a cycle of activities which might include advocacy and direct […]

Friday Afternoon Women’s Book Group

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

We will be discussing "The Beauty of Dusk" by Frank Bruni and the date for the April meeting. The April book is "The Weight of Ink," by Rachel Kadish.

Circle Supper

Member's Home

Newer members Dee and Jay Shaplow will host our March Circle Supper on Saturday, March 9, at 6 p.m. Sign up at UUCB on Sundays or email Dee at deeshaplow@icloud.com by Thursday, March 7. The address and directions will be sent to those who sign up. All are invited to bring a dish to share.

9:00am Service – How Worship Works

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Why do we do worship services the way that we do worship services? Why do we even call it "worship"? We'll walk through the flow and function of the service right as we do it in an effort to discover how to get more from a Sunday morning. Our 9:00am service will be for all […]

11:00am Service – How Worship Works

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Why do we do worship services the way that we do worship services? Why do we even call it "worship"? We'll walk through the flow and function of the service right as we do it in an effort to discover how to get more from a Sunday morning. Our 9:00am service will be for all […]

What To Do About Election Year Watch Party

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

We on the Racial Justice Ministry Team have been overwhelmed about the world lately so we've been keeping tabs on what SURJ (Showing Up for Racial Justice) is up to. They are broadcasting a livestream as a follow up to Super Tuesday that’ll talk about how we got to this place and what we can […]

Event Series Senior Salon

Senior Salon


Senior Salon is an open discussion group for seniors. There is no lower-age attendance criteria; members simply self-select.

Men’s Group

Member's Home

Jay Shaplow has agreed to host the UUMG meeting again at their beautiful home in Lafayette. Please call Jay, John or Michael for location. We'll have our typical format: 6-7 pm is drinks and conversation. 7-8 pm is a traditional potluck dinner, so bring a favorite dish to share. From 8-9 pm, we'll have pass-the-talking […]

9:00am Service – Deep-Rooted Resilience

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Our church is in a season of change. It's driven by so many good things: new programs growing, newcomers deepening in relationship. And, whether for the community or for us as individuals, change is hard! It means experiencing loss, doubt, and discomfort before finding discovery, understanding, and integration.

11:00am Service – Deep-Rooted Resilience

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Our church is in a season of change. It's driven by so many good things: new programs growing, newcomers deepening in relationship. And, whether for the community or for us as individuals, change is hard! It means experiencing loss, doubt, and discomfort before finding discovery, understanding, and integration. Gather in person or watch the livestream […]

Young Adult Group Hike

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

UUCB young adults (ages 18-35-ish) — we will be going on a group hike at Chautauqua after the 11a.m. service on March 17th! We have a back-up plan of going out for lunch or coffee if the weather doesn't accommodate a hike on that day. Please feel free to meet up with us near the […]

Past and Present on Pine Ridge Reservation

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Tipi Raiser’s executive director Dave Ventimiglia shares the history and present-day realities of life on Pine Ridge and the opportunities for reconciliation and the building of relationships. Light lunch provided.

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