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Note from Dr. Emily – Save the Date!


Here’s a note from Dr. Emily about an exciting event coming soon:

“Hello Musical Friends! 

I know the holidays are fast approaching and brain cells are melting, but I want to share some GREAT and exciting news with you! 

Please save the date of Saturday, February 1! From 10-12, my dear friend and beloved UU Colleague Francisco Ruiz will visit us from Los Angeles and lead us in a morning of joyful, heart centered singing. Please tell all your friends and everyone you know! Francisco specializes in a technique called Circlesongs, which was developed by musical genius Bobby McFerrin. 

Circlesongs is an immersion in sound, creativity, and community. It is a group singing technique that involves creating music through improvisation and collaboration, challenging all participants to play, sing, invent, imagine, and explore.

This is a no-commitment, fun, spiritual exploration in community. I hope you will join us! 

Lots more information will be forthcoming, but in the meantime, you can learn more about Circlesongs here, and you can learn more about Francisco here!

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