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Tipi Raisers Volunteer Day in Lafayette

Tipi Raisers Lafayette Hub 9849 Isabelle Rd, Lafayette, CO, United States

Our next local volunteer day in Lafayette will be on March 2.  Volunteer activities will include wood cutting, something related to their horses, organizing food and supplies, and possibly starting garden plants to take to the Hopi Reservation in May. If you have questions or want to sign up for either of these outings, please […]

Past and Present on Pine Ridge Reservation

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Tipi Raiser’s executive director Dave Ventimiglia shares the history and present-day realities of life on Pine Ridge and the opportunities for reconciliation and the building of relationships. Light lunch provided.

Roots of Injustice, Seeds of Change Workshop

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Gain an understanding of how the legacy of the Doctrine of Discovery has affected European colonizers and the Indigenous people of the United States since 1492.

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