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Moved to Tears

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

The irony of this age of e-connectivity is that people are more isolated than ever. Social fragmentation is on the rise, just when we most need one another. In this service, we'll use a Buddhist story to explore the various 'roles' we humans play in troubled times, and how essential our willingness to risk being vulnerable with one another is to our very survival.


Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Relationships are hard.  Relationships in community can be harder still. When being invited into richer, more vulnerable connections with one another, hurts inevitably happen.  Finding our way back to real repair requires more than a simple apology.  In her book, On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World, Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg explores the writings of the medieval philosopher Maimonides. Maimonides laid out a very specific process for moving from brokenness to repair -- a process, she says, that could help untangle the most challenging of interpersonal struggles and international disputes.

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