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[UPDATED] Tipi Raisers Volunteer Day


Tipi Raisers recently established a new local base of operations in Lafayette.  As part of UUCB’s Indigenous Justice Ministry, you’re invited to a volunteer day on Saturday, October 14, 9 to 5.  Lunch provided.  About 25 volunteers are coming and we have space for about 5 more.  If you’ve been curious about this partnership, come get a taste.

Back Story

UUCB has been organizing food drives and volunteer trips to the Pine Ridge and Hopi Reservations since 2019.  At these volunteer events, native and non-native people work side by side, building relationships.  Volunteer activities include cutting fire wood to keep elders warm in the winter, distributing food to hungry families, repairing homes to protect families from harsh winter conditions, planting veggie gardens, distributing gifts collected around the holidays, and more.  We also visit powerful sites like Wounded Knee, participate in native-led ceremonies, and have circle time for deep sharing.

New Lafayette Facilities

Tipi Raisers has a local presence and staff at Pine Ridge, and recently established a long term facility near Lafayette Colorado – a base for gathering food and home repair supplies, and cutting firewood for distribution to the reservations.  They also maintain horses at this site, which are part of the cross-cultural “Lakota Rides” that occur several times per year.

This local facility lowers the threshold of effort to volunteer compared to the multi-day volunteer trips – a great way to get a taste and see if you want more.

October 14 activities will include:  organizing food, gear and supplies in their new storage area, cutting firewood, and tending/riding horses, with a break for lunch and sharing circle at the end.  Some of our Lakota friends from Pine Ridge will be in town to join us.

Horseback Riding

Tipi Raisers has a herd of horses from the Pine Ridge reservation which they like to introduce to volunteers in a safe, culturally respectful and meaningful manner.  Depending on the number of volunteers interested, their experience level, and riders from Pine Ridge available to support the riding, there will be opportunities for beginners and experienced riders.  Helmets are available.

To Sign Up or ask questions, contact Ed Self at edself1@gmail.com or 303-775-6532.

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