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Board Roundtable

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Board members will be there to share about their work this fall, to answer any questions you might have, and to hear your feedback.

Board Roundtable

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Board members will be there to share about their work this fall, to answer any questions you might have, and to hear your feedback.

Board Roundtable

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Board members will be there to share about their work this fall, to answer any questions you might have, and to hear your feedback.

UUCB Church Works Fair

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Come discover the behind-the-scenes governance and operations teams that keep UUCB running smoothly.

UUCB Church Works Fair

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Come discover the behind-the-scenes governance and operations teams that keep UUCB running smoothly.

[Updated] Board Roundtable

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Board members will be there to share about their work this year, to answer any questions you might have, and to hear your feedback.

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