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Event Series 11:00am Service

11:00am Service – No Resolutions

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Let us jump OFF the resolution urge that comes in January! Join Rev. Ruth Rinehart as she explores resisting the white supremacy culture of our heritage, including Puritans and Calvinism, with their orientation towards productivity and shame. January brings a new world that we now inhabit; where do we go from here?

Event Series 9:00am Service

9:00am Service – Possible Futures

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

As we enter a new season as a nation, the story that we tell ourselves about who we are shapes who we will become as a country. The possible futures ahead of us rest on conflicting notions of what counts as reasonable, fair, and normal.

Event Series 11:00am Service

11:00am Service – Possible Futures

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

As we enter a new season as a nation, the story that we tell ourselves about who we are shapes who we will become as a country. The possible futures ahead of us rest on conflicting notions of what counts as reasonable, fair, and normal.

State of the Congregation Informational Meeting

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Hear updates from our staff team, the Board, Finance Team, and Endowment Team on what's happening at church this year and what's ahead.

Building Expansion Visioning: Part I

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Gather for this two-part, all-congregational event to create a vision for the future of our building, facilitated by Rodwin Architecture.

Pancake Breakfast

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

The UUCB Staff will offer a Pancake Breakfast as a thank you to the whole congregation. Stop by to eat, drink, and visit!

Event Series 11:00am Service

10:00am Service – Welcome, Belonging, Inclusion

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Brene Brown says that fitting in happens when you change yourself to be in the community, but belonging happens when you can be your most authentic self in community. How can we as individuals and a community practice belonging here and to/with each other?

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