The Conscious Machine: AI and the Quest for Meaning
Unitarian Universalist Church of BoulderCome join one of our Community Ministers, Rev. Jeremy Nickel, as he explores the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and our human quest for meaning.
Come join one of our Community Ministers, Rev. Jeremy Nickel, as he explores the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and our human quest for meaning.
What does it look like to make amends? What does it look like to ask for amends? The simple wisdom of "ouch" and "oops" help disarm some of our resistance to asking for and making repair in our relationships.
What does it look like to make amends? What does it look like to ask for amends? The simple wisdom of "ouch" and "oops" help disarm some of our resistance to asking for and making repair in our relationships.
A presentation of data gathered over the last year on the possibilities, resources, challenges, and options for our next step with this building.
A presentation of data gathered over the last year on the possibilities, resources, challenges, and options for our next step with this building.
In our annual All Souls service, we honor and commemorate those in our lives and church family who have died. We join together in bittersweet memory and love as we reflect on the fleeting and precious gift of life. Bring a photo of a loved one you've lost to create an altar of memories.
A presentation of data gathered over the last year on the possibilities, resources, challenges, and options for our next step with this building.
In our annual All Souls service, we honor and commemorate those in our lives and church family who have died. We join together in bittersweet memory and love as we reflect on the fleeting and precious gift of life. Bring a photo of a loved one you've lost to create an altar of memories.
A presentation of data gathered over the last year on the possibilities, resources, challenges, and options for our next step with this building.
Against every doomsayer and nihilism, no matter how seductively packaged, we are a people of hope. At the center of our lives, we work to embody and live into a hope which is neither naive nor cynical. On this Sunday before we vote on the next steps for our church building, we especially embrace hope!
Against every doomsayer and nihilism, no matter how seductively packaged, we are a people of hope. At the center of our lives, we work to embody and live into a hope which is neither naive nor cynical. On this Sunday before we vote on the next steps for our church building, we especially embrace hope!
Scott, our Community and Connection Manager, Rev. David and members of the congregation lead a monthly 45-minute introduction to Unitarian Universalism and UUCB.