Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


January Community Night

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

For January's Community Night, it's cozy movie night! Wear your favorite PJs and bring a comfort food dish to share as we watch an all-ages friendly movie.

Meet and Greet Happy Hour

Member's Home

We will meet at the home of Mary Pierce for a strictly social affair. Please bring a snack for 6-8 or your choice of beverage, if desired.

February Community Night

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

For February's Community Night, in anticipation of Valentine’s Day, we have a sweet activity in store!  Unleash your inner baker and decorate cookies for your valentine, a friend, or yourself! 

Circle Supper

Member's Home

Alan Davis and Sally DuGar will host our February Circle Supper at 6 at their home not far from UUCB.

Meet and Greet Happy Hour

Member's Home

We will meet at the home of Mary Pierce for a strictly social affair. Please bring a snack for 6-8 or your choice of beverage, if desired.

March Community Night

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

For March's Community Night, do you have the luck of the Irish…or not?  We’ll find out as we play exciting games of chance and hunt for wily leprechauns.

Circle Supper

Member's Home

The hospitality of a shared potluck meal and good conversation is a great way to deepen connection.

Meet and Greet Happy Hour

Member's Home

On Sunday, we will meet at the home of Di Mapes for a strictly social affair. Please bring a snack for 6-8 or your choice of beverage, if desired.

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