Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


UU Thanksgiving Dinner Potluck

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

UUCB will host the annual Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner.

Event Series 9:00am Service

9:00am Service – What Art Does

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Our reactions to visual art are personal and subjective. There are also universal patterns in humans' engagement with art, suggesting that it is somehow necessary for us. What does visual art do for us?

Narcan & Overdose Response Training

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Sean Velazquez, a Harm Reduction Specialist and Community Educator/Trainer with Boulder County Public Health, leads this half-hour training on overdose response and how to administer Narcan for an overdose. All are welcome and invited!

Event Series Exploring UUCB

Exploring UUCB

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Scott, our Community and Connection Manager, Rev. David and members of the congregation lead a monthly 45-minute introduction to Unitarian Universalism and UUCB.

Event Series 11:00am Service

11:00am Service – What Art Does

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Our reactions to visual art are personal and subjective. There are also universal patterns in humans' engagement with art, suggesting that it is somehow necessary for us. What does visual art do for us?

Event Series Exploring UUCB

Exploring UUCB

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Scott, our Community and Connection Manager, Rev. David and members of the congregation lead a monthly 45-minute introduction to Unitarian Universalism and UUCB.

Event Series Senior Salon

Senior Salon


Senior Salon is an open discussion group for seniors. There is no lower-age attendance criteria; members simply self-select.

December Community Night

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

For December's Community Night, it’s the most wonderful time of the year with caroling, making gingerbread houses, and enjoying a friendly Ugly Sweater competition.

Boulder Citizens’ Climate Lobby Watch Party

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Join us at our fall virtual conference for an insider's look at what Congress is expected to tackle on climate change. Free, but space is limited.

Racial Justice Film Series Meetup


The Racial Justice Team is inviting you to the last in a series of Justice Films that SURJ is presenting Saturday evening, December 7 at 6:00 PM.

Event Series 9:00am Service

9:00am Service – Practicing Presence

Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder

Across religious traditions, mystical paths often ask: what does it mean to be fully present, engaged, and awake in the world? How do we practice that work of showing up to ourselves, each other, and as embodied beings in the world?

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