Unitarian Universalist Church of Boulder Logo


Important Update: No Services Today (April 7th, 2024)


Due to a building power outage, today’s services have been canceled!
Given that we don’t have a way to heat our building, it’s simply too cold to try to hold services today. We thank you for your understanding and flexibility, and we join you in expressing disappointment and spiritual ache knowing that we cannot be in community today.

If you’re looking for a UUCB message on such a turbulent day, catch up with one (or more!) of our previously recorded services on our YouTube channel linked here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrc2PoJxCP8bYuzbmRaw0HA

This planned outage by our electric company was motivated by pressing concerns over the potential start and spread of wildfires in these windy conditions. Given that this is the start of our Earth month, and in honor of what today’s climate message would have been, take this moment, apart and in silence, to reflect on the state of our global environment and the importance of individual and communal support and action in this time of injustice. In the next couple of weeks, our ministers and the Climate Action Ministry will offer further insight and ways to support ongoing justice efforts for our planet.

And please – stay safe today! With love and support,The Staff at UUCB

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