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Unexpected Music Program Transition


Dear UUCB Community,

This week I spoke with our music director Johnny Nichols, Jr. who sent me a very unexpected resignation letter before that conversation.

He shared with me that working full-time leading the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus and working half-time here at UUCB was just too overwhelming — he felt like he was continually taking one step forward and two steps back, scrambling to get things done at the last minute, and constantly overwhelmed. He told me that he needed to leave UUCB to enable a balanced life where he can care better for himself. He was clear in saying his departure was not about UUCB, or the choir, or the staff, or about what his experience was with folks here. It wasn’t about being over-ambitious or over-burdened: he told me there simply weren’t enough hours in the day to do good work at both organizations and to do the self-care that we all need.

I understand, and I’m sad that we are losing him so abruptly. His warmth and energy and care were such a lovely fit for UUCB. He came in with such a strong sense of music ministry – a way to deepen the spiritual experience of the congregation and to build connections and relationship among music-makers.

We can empathize deeply with his decision, and at the same time be disappointed that this is how things unfolded. We can appreciate his clarity in setting the boundary he needs and be sad that he’s going. I know he feels that, too: just a few days ago he sent a Thanksgiving message to the Choir, the Chancel Cats band, and the Staff Team expressing deep gratitude for being a part of the community.

On a practical note, we’ll hire an interim music director as soon as possible, then move on to the hiring process for a new music director. Meanwhile, the search for a collaborative pianist is going well and moving forward: the hiring team is in interviews with two finalists.

If you have any questions, thoughts, or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, I always welcome the chance for conversation one-on-one, or at Community Night this evening from 6:00-8:00 (and I’m looking forward to singing carols together!).

All the best,

Rev. David

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