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SoUUl Expressions Art Galley Now Open!


UUCB’s recently formed Art Gallery committee would like to announce the “Official”
opening of the SoUUl Expressions gallery. Many of you have likely already looked at the
exhibit and we hoped you enjoyed it. We’d like to invite everyone to stop by after a
church service or other UUCB events. The gallery is in the hallway leading to the
preschool and in the Emerson Room. The present show is a collection of collages by
Susan Gifford.

Our committee hopes the gallery will be a place to show art done by our church
members. We are working on a process for soliciting and choosing art for future gallery
shows as well as deciding the length of time for each show. More information will be
coming in the next month or two.

The committee consists of 5 members: Di Mapes (chairman), Susan Gifford (co-
chairman), Karen Morgan, Sharon Larocque and Bonnie Crissey. Susan Gifford’s work
was chosen for our first “trial run” show. We had a lot of issues to resolve – especially
ones involved in creating a hanging system. It seemed easiest to use work by one of our
committee members for the first show. We pledge impartiality in the future!

Please send any comments or questions to our email address: uucbart@gmail.com.

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